▷ Which Water Shoes for Kids ?
Check out our roundup of why Water Shoes (also known as Water Shoes or Beach Shoesor Aquashoes) for children are essential! Protecting their little feet should be your priority.

Why should your child wear water shoes ?
Children's water shoes are one of the most relevant gifts you can buy to help your children enjoy swimming pools and the sea in complete safety.
In indoor pools and swimming lessons, children's pool shoes help them protect their feet from germs. Worn out of the water, they help with hygiene (catching a pool fungus is so easy) and also help to make pool edges less slippery. Every year, at the swimming pool, there are many more or less serious accidents caused by a slip. Good water shoes are also useful at the beach or on the rocks during swimming and/or vacation walks.
Water shoes for children come in several shapes and colors, they have sizes that range from baby to teenager and they are easy to store and transport. They are also recommended for use at home and on vacation.
The simple pleasures of summer, like splashing around in the water, don't require a lot of gear, but I can think of many situations where a pair of water shoes is more than useful :
- At home, my children use it to use the paddling pool in the garden. While playing, they get in and out of water, run on grass and often go up and down stairs in the garden…and that's where the problems start! As careful as they may be, wet feet make steps slippery and while no amount of equipment can replace caution, there is no doubt that the addition of a good grippy sole has minimized the number of slips and accidents.
- At the pool, As we have seen before, shoes are even more practical because they protect the feet not only from slippery surfaces, but also from hot floors and germs (a good reason to wear water shoes in winter in swimming pools too).
- Most importantly, the best water shoes for kids protect little feet from the dangers of the beach and the seabed. Especially if your children, like mine, are used to having their feet protected by closed shoes most of the year, they may be too sensitive to hot sand and pebble beaches. Water Shoes form a barrier against all sorts of hazards: hot sand, slippery, sharp rocks, debris, broken shells, and aquatic creatures they can't see .
Are water shoes "better" than sandals ?
The water shoes and sandals are designed for two different uses. So you need one or the other depending on your plans for the summer.
If your kids are going to be walking mostly on dry land, with only the occasional splash of water, sandals are a good fit. probably the best option.
Some are suitable for humidity and can handle the occasional splash of water, but they can be a pain (unfortunately wet sandals cause horrible blisters), so be careful with your children's feet!
Sandals that aren't designed for water tend to stay wet for a very long time, making feet excessively cold and causing blisters
In addition, they can absorb water to the point of becoming heavy, which can make your child very tired very quickly.
Water shoes, on the other hand , are designed specifically for use in the water and can often be used as everyday shoes, although some models are more aesthetically versatile than others.
The best shoes children's pool shoes can also be used as everyday shoes and sports shoes. garden, giving you maximum protection and comfort! Your wallet will be grateful for this dual functionality.
Water Shoes, Water Socks, Water Sandals, Swimming Shoes : Are they the same thing ?
On the market you will find several types of shoes for water :
Water socks, swimming shoes for children which are generally fitted around the foot, with a light sole . This type of water shoe is mainly designed for water sports (kayak, etc.) and does not offer much protection for the sole.
Water shoes: they are This is the type described above, with a solid sole and fabric on top. They are closed in the front and made of a quick-drying material on the top, usually mesh, and can be reinforced in the front.
When open in the front, they can be called water sandals.
Characteristics of a good children's water shoe
I usually look at 3 things :
- Use: where will children use them? Will they be pool shoes, beach shoes, garden shoes, a bit of everything? How strong should the sole be ?
- Grip: If what you are looking for is good grip, make sure the sole is up to snuff. For very young walkers, also consider the delicacy of small feet and the suitability of the sole. Especially if your children are likely to wear these shoes often, choose water shoes that are safe for young walkers and designed with the position and posture of the feet in mind.
- Material: Water shoes and sandals come in many materials, from neoprene to plastic. For example, it is important to choose a thick sole if your child is going to use his shoes in the rocks or on the asphalt for example. Depending on your child choose a material you think they will find comfortable: my kids find the plastic straps too painful and induce blisters but they find the crocs and fabric water shoes super comfortable. When in doubt, opt for fabric as it is the softest material on the feet.
To conclude
Whether for the sea, the swimming pool, the lake or the river but also for the paddling pool, the slide and or simply to cool off under the garden sprinkler, offer your your child suitable shoes should no longer be the exception but the rule. Protecting their feet is a summer staple.