▷ What shoes for kayaking ?
Kayaking is one of the most demanding seasonal water sports in terms of equipment. Clothing, helmets, vests, but also and above all shoes are essential. These provide maximum comfort and protect the athlete throughout the course of navigation. Of course, regular shoes cannot be used for kayaking. It will be necessary to opt for specific models and the choice is not always easy to make. So, which shoes to choose for kayaking ?
Shoes for kayaking: water shoes or water shoes ?
These kayak shoes are designed and manufactured especially for aquatic environments. They are flexible, resistant and light enough to facilitate movement in the water. It is for this reason that you can use them for all water sports requiring such equipment (canyoning, surfing).
In reality, from the choice of design materials to the very trendy design of water shoes, everything is done by considering the particular conditions of aquatic environments. You are therefore no longer forced to put on heavy shoes, very uncomfortable and without any style for kayaking.
Trendy and original shoes
Water shoes are available in several models adapted to each type of individual. Therefore, whether you are a man or a woman, you will find models that will suit you. Better, with the wide range available on Aquashoes, you can easily make your choice.
Browse the large collection of water shoes with unique and very original design, presented by Aquashoes to expand your possibilities of choice. If you want to unite the style of your shoes with the rest of your Kayak clothing, it will be necessary to bet more on the design.
Fortunately, Aquashoes offers the best selections of kayak shoes with perfect structures and ultra-trendy designs. Between unicolor models (from the sole to the upper part) and multicolored (with original patterns), you will surely be spoiled for choice.
While some water shoes have a mesh-like style (or nets), other models are completely compact. Either way, they all promote perfect water drainage and provide that extra edge when you're boating. Indeed, you are more precise in your movements and the result on arrival is always more interesting.
Perfect quality for multiple uses
Water shoes are a priori exclusively intended for water sports. However, it is indeed possible to use them outside this framework. Indeed, these equipment are of very high quality and thanks to the various patterns that form their design, they can be worn in the city center, for a hike in nature or for a walk on the beach.
Both light and easy to wear, nautical shoes are equipped with very resistant and non-slip soles. All this protects your feet and gives you maximum comfort. They are also ideal for the summer, especially during walks outside aquatic environments. Thanks to their relatively large and breathable mesh, you can freely perform all your movements.
Plastic shoes
Again, these are kayak shoes that are ultra light, but very resistant. They are recommended for water sports and can be used instead of boots and other specific water shoe designs.Plastic shoes are quite flexible and adapt perfectly to your feet, constantly combining well-being and safety
They are easy to wear and ideal for kayaking in all conditions. Unlike classic water shoes, these are less popular, and the models that exist are quite limited. It's also what makes them one of the safest and highest quality beach and kayaking shoes on the market.
Generally, the models available are both unisex and single-colored. However, you will find exclusively female plastic shoes in the collection. In these cases, they are equipped with heels and can therefore be used outside the framework of navigation. In other words, women's plastic shoes aren't just for kayaking.
They are sometimes very useful for small family outings, ideally during the warm seasons. Likewise, among the unisex models, it is also possible to distinguish between feminine and masculine colors.
Everything will depend on your tastes and your desire to customize your Kayak equipment. Anyway, you have the choice for plastic kayak shoes between several colors such as: silver, pink, gold, black, blue, etc.
Plastic sandals
Even if all kayak shoes are not necessarily made of plastic, it should be noted that this material is logically the most suitable for the aquatic environment. It offers exceptional durability and its often insignificant weight allows total freedom of movement.
In a nutshell, like classic nautical shoes, plastic sandals are also perfect equipment for kayaking, at least for children. If you plan to introduce your children to this sport or simply want to teach them the rules of kayaking, these sandals are undoubtedly the best choice to make to protect their little feet which are too fragile at this age .
They don't cause any discomfort and are completely harmless. There are various designs of these shoes that come in fun and distinct colors. This means that here too, you can distinguish between girl and boy shoes thanks to the colors. This will probably make your choice easier.
Of course, you will have to comply with the legal requirements of your region in terms of age limits and essential equipment before involving young people in such adventures.
Finally, it should also be remembered that there are water shoes for children exclusively reserved for activities that revolve around swimming and/or navigation. These cannot be used for other activities apart from those mentioned above, while plastic shoes are very versatile. They can be used in particular as beach shoes.