▷ How to avoid weever bites?
Summer and sunny days obviously call for activities in nature, in the water.Because what could be better than a short outing to the sea to enjoy the good weather and cool off at the same time? But be careful, however, of the inconveniences you may encounter in the water or on the shore: and it must be said that between the small waste left by man, but also insects and animals of all kinds, There is plenty to do.In this article, we will focus more particularly on weevers and their bites.The aim will be to identify the means of avoiding the bites of this fish, while informing about its effects and the care that can be applied.
What should you know about snitches and their stings?
The snail, which looks rather cute, is one of these small marine predators that can be dangerous for humans.This small fish can indeed sting, in certain situations.How to recognize a weever, what are the effects of its sting, but also how to treat it? These are just as many points that we will address in this first part.
What is a weever?
Present in France, in Brittany, but also on the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts, the whitefish are small fish which generally measure between 15 and 50 centimeters in length.This species appreciates sandy environments, which is why it is mainly in these regions that it is found in France.There are a total of 9 different species today, but only 1 is harmful: the little one.
Indeed, if the animal seems harmless at first sight, its dorsal fin has venomous spines.This is actually a defense mechanism of the female of this species: she buries herself in the sand to lay her eggs and leaves her fin on the surface to attack possible enemies.
What are the effects of this animal's bites?
Following the sting, it is strongly advised to get out of the water: there is indeed a risk of syncope and therefore of drowning if the victim remains in the water. 'water.
The stung area swells immediately and rapidly, first at the level of the sting before extending to the entire limb (usually the leg or arm).In addition, an edema forms at the site of the bite.
This phenomenon can be accompanied by fever, headache, palpitations or vomiting.Intense pain and a burning sensation are usually felt by the bitten person.
How to treat a weever bite?
If it's too late and the fish has already victimized you, all you have to do is heal yourself.And the sooner the better! Indeed, the longer you wait, the harder the pain will be.For this, it is important to note that it is thanks to heat that you will be able to heal yourself.Indeed, the venom of this fish is heat-labile, which means that it can destroyed by heat.So, after a weever sting, here's what you should do:
- Clean and disinfect the wound,
- Before immersing the bitten area in a mixture of hot water and disinfectant, for a time that can vary from 20 to 50 minutes.
While this may seem simple, know that without these actions, the pain and symptoms associated with the sting can not only last longer, but also be stronger.
How to protect yourself from stings?
You will have understood that a weever bite is not the most pleasant thing.This is why we will see in this second part some advice to protect ourselves from these attacks.And we will focus in particular on the solution of wearing aquashoes, these water shoes designed specifically for use in or near water.
A few tips to avoid weever bites
First solution to avoid stings: wear flip flops or shoes with thick soles, such as aquashoes.This option not only protects against bites, but also many other possible attacks.
Second solution: instead of taking big strides thinking you'll avoid the risk of being stung, walk with your feet dragged.This then allows the animal to be warned of the presence of a human.
And there's no point in saying: be careful where you put your feet, because this little fish camouflages itself stealthily and is well covered by sand in shallow waters.It is therefore very complicated if not impossible to see one in the sand.
How to choose the right aquashoes?
As seen above, to avoid being bitten by stingrays, the best solution is to wear aquashoes.But you still have to choose them well.For that, below are some things you should pay attention to when making your choice.
- Proven grip: generally guaranteed by rather thick outsoles in addition to being non-slip, which allow the user to limit the risk not only of punctures, but also slips and therefore falls;
- A good foot cushioning: this characteristic goes hand in hand with the previous one.Indeed, if it is essential to have a good grip, the cushioning is not to be neglected either.The idea being for the user to be comfortable in all circumstances in the shoes they have chosen;
- Effective foot support: it is essential that the aquashoes chosen hold the foot well.Between models called "slippers" or models with adjustable straps, there is something for everyone.
Where to buy your aquashoes?
To get water shoes, you have several options.
On the one hand, you can buy them in stores: in a supermarket or in a sports shop, where you can probably get your advise by sellers.
However, it is also possible to go online to find your pair of aquashoes.Indeed, more and more brands are offering their products via the internet or social networks.And we advise you to go through our shop.It makes it possible to identify the various most interesting models on the market today, but also to have an idea of the budget to be spent for this kind of accessory.Add to that the fact that you can also use this platform to make a comparison of the different models, and you will see that this solution is very interesting.
Finally, don't be fooled by appearances: the weever one, no matter how small, can be very dangerous.And yes, isn't it crazy to think that with a dorsal fin with venomous spines, the bite of such a small fish can cause such intense pain accompanied by fever, headaches, or even vomiting? (to name just a few symptoms)? To prevent any risk, a piece of advice: Wear water shoes.Aquashoes are the perfect accessory.This is when all the characteristics of a good shoe of this type are met, namely: grip, cushioning, and support.