▷ Should we choose water shoes or sandals ?
For those who practice active water activities, opting for water shoes (or water shoes) or plastic sandals is a important choice. Each of these types of shoes has its own use. Picking the wrong shoe for the type of activity you're going to be doing is a great breeding ground for injury. Thinking about water shoes is above all thinking about the health of your feet. We hope this article helps people looking to gear up for the water decide whether to choose a water shoe or water sandal.
When to use Plastic Sandals?
Water sandals are by far the most popular type of water shoe, and for good reason. Most people who need water shoes don't do athletic activities, long hikes, or multi-night treks.
Before we get to the popular uses of water sandals, worth clarifying what a water sandal actually is - at least for the purposes of this article. Water sandals are not flip flops. Nor are they those cheap sandals used at the local pool or beach. Neither are the many types of leather sandals out there.
Water sandals are basically durable sandals that provide excellent grip on wet and slippery surfaces. In general, these types of water sandals have similar traction to a good hiking shoe or boot. In short, these sandals are for people who frequently enter and exit a river or lake and need good support to avoid falling or to protect their feet.
That said, most of people who buy water sandals use them for one of the following reasons:
- Boat Day Trips: For most boat day trips (no overnight camping), water sandals are all you need. The only reason to buy a water shoe would be if you plan on going on a long hike.
- Fishing: many people wade fish with sandals on, at least in warmer waters and when the water flow is very slow. Just be sure to use them where the ground is solid (like sand or a gravel bank). Using sandals to wade over rocky terrain or fast-flowing water is a recipe for inconvenience.
- Lazy day at the beach: a good pair of water sandals is better than a cheap pair of flip flops from the supermarket!
- In town: Having worn my own water sandals for sixty days in Thailand, I can attest to the fact that they work just as well out of the water as they do in the water.
In short, water sandals have a myriad of uses and are extremely versatile. And, in general, unless you need the foot protection or good support of a water shoe, a water sandal is usually all you need.
When to use Water Shoes?
Unlike water sandals, historically water shoes have very specialized uses. This specialty explained why there were not many choices. But the democratization of water shoes has prompted manufacturers to innovate and develop new, increasingly interesting models. For example, in the online store aqua.shoes there are a large number of versatile models.
Water shoes are explained in more detail on this page, but in summary, a water shoe is an "enclosed" shoe that also protects the top of the foot
But whatever their name, water shoes, aqua shoes or beach shoes are easily distinguished from water sandals by their "closed toe". The front of a water shoe always looks like the one of a normal shoe. This closed toe protects the toes (to prevent them from hitting a rock or tearing a toenail), while allowing better support for activities on land and in the water.
Ideal uses for water shoes include:
- Multi-night trips on the water:a water shoe is ideal for this type of trip. People who practice canoeing or boating only need to pack one shoe for the whole trip, and the protection provided by the shoe helps to avoid unpleasant and unexpected injuries in remote places. t33>
- Important hiking on a sea trip:water shoes work just as well out of the water as in the water. Anyone who plans to hike on a sea trip should use a water shoe. This is especially true if the hikes are off-trail or through rough or rocky terrain. Again, foot protection (especially toe protection) is what makes water shoes better than sandals.
- Activities such as snorkeling, paddleboarding, canoeing, surfing or water walking on very rocky and uneven terrain: practitioners who know they will enter and exit the water on very rocky and uneven terrain (not on gravel bars or sandy beaches) should also consider a water shoe. On rocky or uneven terrain, it is very easy to break a toe or tear a fingernail.
- Short or Moderate Hikes in Wet Terrain:Since water shoes work so well for hiking, they are ideal for hiking in wet or swampy terrain. However, since water shoes lack the "cushioning" and other comfort features of a hiking shoe, they are not ideal for long hikes. In short, don't plan on doing 30km in these shoes on rough terrain. You can do this, but a hiking shoe will be much more comfortable for "real hiking".